Here's to my NY, Roman Catholic, 18-year-old, first-time voter support of Bush.
Good info!
No but they did include they did ask which two issues are most important and included the war, etc.. This gives them more room to spin things. "Most important" can be very subjective without context and as such, in this form a horrible survey question. As professional pollsters, they know better and therefore this is deliberate.
Good for you! I've never been polled but if they call here, I'm going to pretend to be a dem supporting the President! lol Zogby already called this election for skerry.......
I wonder what they're getting at by asking about a passport.
I have been answering an on-line poll from Zogby for the last couple of months. These are the core questions which always appear. One poll asked a number of other questions such as: Do you prefer Walmart or J.C. Penny's?, Are you a NASCAR fan? At the end of each poll he does send you to a spot where you can purchase Zogby "stuff." I am assuming my answers have been counted as they solicited me, I did not seek them. Does anyone know if this is just a publicity thing for Zogby or a valid type of polling ? We are hanging tough here in Ohio!!