You want what tees me off almost more than the gun banning tyrants? It's gun owners that I know who won't get into the fight. They complain about the laws and restrictions, but when the legislature has something new they're cooking up, they can't be bothered to even pick up the stinkin' phone and make a call.
Example: Gov. Arnold signed the bill banning .50 BMG rifles. I don't own, don't plan to, but it's an incremental slice. So, I faxxed the committees. When it got out of committe, I faxxed and phoned my so-called reps. When it passed the state senate and assembly, I called and emailed the governator. At the same time, I made a point to call some people I know to do the same. One of these people was visiting the other evening, and the topic of .50 BMG's came up, as my husband and he were perusing the shotgun news and saw an ad for a .50. Hubby mentioned that they're banned in California starting Jan. 1. Whaaaaattt? Shock. Didn't know. Was I ever steamed.
It's the death of a thousand cuts. Boiling the frog.
In fifty years, our grandkids will need to fill out a form a month in advance to check their "legal" revolver and ten rounds of ammo out of the police vault for an hour at a "legal" police range to exercise their "RKBA."