The dems are very concerned about the potential effects of the tape.
The American public has fragmented over the war, thanks to the efforts made to drive a wedge into what was a picture of unity.
This revelation that OBL is alive and well, plus the text of his ranting is pulling that wedge back out a bit.
The Democrats did the unthinkable and politicized a war by condemning it and blaming every negative on Bush, even making up a large array of false negatives to aid in the process. They put everything they had into it.
A simple concept like Universal American hatred toward one man who we had not heard of in many months was not a concern at the time. They thought they had overcome it, but rumors were flying that Bush had him stashed away and would bring him out in the final days.
Well dang! Guess who came to dinner!
It's worth a couple points, and they know it.
Don't worry, I understand all too well what you're saying.
But the way I see it, they were down to picking necrotic scabs to bleed one last time this election.
I mean, think about it ... it's not just the way they pumped up Kerry to yank the chains of vets or brought Roe v. Wade back for another round (even though last election the President's Mom, even, was floating the idea of pulling up the pro-life plank entirely). What gets me -- and you know what's coming -- is the way they even made it sound like Kerry was "for" ESCR and Bush (who gets personal credit for legitimizing with taxpayer funds the process!) was against it!!
How soon we forget the text of his first televised address to the nation.
Bottom line ... like I said, I don't have anyone to vote "FOR" in this election and maybe it's wrong of me to go the "strict constitutionalist" route and reach back to the Founding Fathers to write my note of Excused Absence on Election Day ... but the politics isn't what set me off on this thread.
What set me off on this thread is the blow to my solar plexus that was GLEE over this tape's threats in any way "playing into our hands" just because a couple of the most despicable of the Actors who masqerade as journalists these days "look sad" about it.
It's a gut-wrenching thing, Cold Heat. Never should a people be so under the gun or desperate or ... I don't know how best to put it ... but there's just something Wrong about thinking this is a "good" thing for even a moment.
It's like having your folks die in a plane crash and figuring they'd be happy that -- what with the Pain and Suffering and all -- they made you Millionaires with their last ten seconds of life on earth.
Some things just can't and should never be rationalized as Good else we have no objective reality anymore.
If pragmatism hadn't existed -- and it didn't -- they have had to invent it -- and they did -- so that the West could destroy itself from within.
Mark my words.