Pinged sinkspur just to show you don't have the guts to.
As forr your aspersion, your boy kerry was the one who made obl a cheap and tawdry political point, especially with his being caught in a lie, by kerry's own words and Gen. Tommy Franks statements refuting kerry's lie.
My boy Kerry? He's done yeoman's work for Bush and you know it.
Even Gore -- pilloried by the feminists for his pro-life record, locked in his office by gays, happening to mention LOVE CANAL, bringing up Oxy connections just in time for mass suicides in Colombia, busting a dam wide open for a Mr. Environment photo op -- couldn't hold a candle to the Kerry Duo where self-immolation's concerned.
Know why? .... REPORTING FOR DUTY ... Because Kerry's got the incredible dual role ... REPORTING FOR DUTY ... of pumping UP the war effort ... REPORTING FOR DUTY ... the Democrat convention being little more than ... REPORTING FOR DUTY ... a recruiting commercial interspersed ... REPORTING FOR DUTY ... with support for President Bush's groundbreaking ESCR human experimentation project.
I don't have a dog in this race. I'm enjoying some true Wimmen's Liberation and adhering to the Founding Fathers where they believed only Property Owners ought to vote. Luckily, I'm weak in the materialist department and have Nothing that qualifies as Real Property.
(I'd include my contention that women shouldn't vote either but that's more of a private conviction that's been ingrained on a Daily Dose sort of basis.)