Everyone with a functioning brain knows that all conservatives voting for the GOP and living with the results is the only workable option. Voting LP, voting Constitution Party, sitting on your buns on 11-2, etc, all sound wonderful, but are totally and completely counterproductive. For you flakes out there, this post is not for you--I'd be surprised if you've read this far--but is instead for those who want the most results we can achieve. For the rest of you, ignorance is certainly bliss.....
The primaries are infomercials. The candidates, speakers and platforms are chosen before hand by party insiders and presented to the delegates for a politburo style, made for tv, show of approval.
Try making a peep outside the party line during a primary and you'll find yourself outside just as fast as security can grab your arm.
When this changes, get back to me. Until then... Badnarik.