We have been working on the mail system for well, a long time. It has slowly improved. But this is not about the military mail, as it is becaue of the democrats going to court and not allowing the states to print a final ballot. It has to be sent out correct. JEEZ I still say Randell has to go, yesterday.
WIth one way delivery time falling between 2-4 weeks for 1st class postage I think those effin anti-war union ba$tards at the USPS should designate and dedicate whatever resources are necessary to move ballots to and from the theatre of opertions. If they have to lease fedex cargo jets to move ballots in bulk in a matter of days then they should do it.
rendell is a RAT hack...he doesnt have the class to be a real
here is the slime's email.......fill it up !
When our troops come home some politicians, judges, DNC hacks, and media better move to France quickly.
Any who are not allowed their Constitutional right to vote while under enemy fire overseas because of a Rendell is going to to be very annoyed.
I would mot write any insurance on the lefties anymore.
I noticed that this insane lunatic mediot maggot editor didn't put its name on this vile pos posing as editorial.