You mentioned a request for a song about Dubyuh and the's one I'd really like to hear...
"FRee Iraq!!"
(To be sung to Bob Seger's "Like a Rock")
Strength and Boldness...Whuppin' Lib'ral Scum!!
Ignorance is Legion...DemRATS're Sleazy BUMS!!
We fight fer FReedom...Right's never been this strong...FRee Iraq!!
Left's like pre-teens...RATS don't have a CLUE!!
Libs LOATHE our FReedoms...Ignorant Poltroons!!
Folks, Right is Winning...Socialists Dispair!! FReepers ROCK!!
These days're heady...our Fight's 'tween Wrong and Right!!
Our Noble Purpose...the World we shall Enlight!!
Right must hold firmly...'cuz FReedom's Worth the Fight!!
FReedom ROCKS!!
FReepers ROCK!! RightWing's Strong 'cuz we are FRee!!
FReep Iraq!! Liberate the WHOLE MidEast!!
FRee Iraq, Sheeple Blossom When FRee...FRee Iraq!!
God is GOOD, God is Great!! In His Hands we trust our Fate!!
Reject Left's hustlers and RATS' schemes!!
Right stand proud...Right stand tall...Left's about to Fall!!!
MUD still believes in his dreams!!
(ConservativeMusician and/or the BigMan killin' it on guitar...MUD on pie-anny)
Forty years, Lord...Where'd they go?!
Forty years...I'm gittin' old!!
Still, we're fightin' against...Clinton's SCUM!!
And sometimes late at night...ohhh, when I'm FReepin' by candlelight...
The tunes come to me and All IS Right!!
And I recall...I recall....
FRee Iraq!! FReedom's the World's Fate!!
FReepers ROCK!! Shrink the Fed'ralist State!!
Like Iraq!! The World We'll Iraq!!
FReepers ROCK!!! Treason's why we FReep Slick!!
RATS're "shocked"...Left's arses Right Shall Kick!!
Like Iraq, the Righteous Win AGAIN...Like Iraq!!
Mudboy Slim (04/09/2003)
MUD: Lyrics. Gotcha covered. Thanks.