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Feds authenticate new al-Qaida video ^
| October 28, 2004
| Not listed
Posted on 10/28/2004 9:53:44 AM PDT by HereComesTheGOP
The FBI and CIA last night authenticated a new al-Qaida videotape that includes a dire warning about a serious terror attack, while ABC News, which obtained the tape from a source in Pakistan, debates whether or not to air the disturbing footage "while people are voting."
According to the Drudge Report, ABC News is struggling to find the correct journalistic "balance" in its response to the tape.
On the videotape, a man says in English: "The streets will run with blood," and "America will mourn in silence" because they will be unable to count the number of the dead resulting from an attack promised to dwarf 9-11.
Drudge reports a senior federal official claims ABC is holding back from broadcasting any portion of the video out of fear it will be seen as a political move by the network during election week.
"This is not something you just throw out there while people are voting," an ABC source explained to the Drudge Report.
In the videotape, the terrorist's head and face are covered, making identification difficult. It appears to be from al-Qaida's media liaison organization.
Intelligence sources say the man in the tape is college educated, either American born or raised in the U.S. They say he may be a terror suspect named Adam Gadhan, or Adam Pearlman, of Southern California.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Extended News
KEYWORDS: alqaida; tape; terror; waronterror
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To: HereComesTheGOP
The FBI and CIA last night authenticated a new al-Qaida videotape OK, ABC, let's see it!
To: grobdriver
I forgot the subheading..........
ABC News reticent to broadcast tape 'while people are voting'
To: HereComesTheGOP
e-mail, e-mail, e-mail, e-mail....
posted on
10/28/2004 9:57:12 AM PDT
To: HereComesTheGOP
Umm...why are WorldNutDaily the only ones saying this?
posted on
10/28/2004 9:57:16 AM PDT
B Knotts
("John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security.")
To: HereComesTheGOP
Never mind...I see Drudge is saying this...I'm still a bit cynical, though.
posted on
10/28/2004 9:58:27 AM PDT
B Knotts
("John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security.")
To: B Knotts
They're not. Drudge also has the story.
To: HereComesTheGOP
If the feds have seen it, and it would be helpful to the American people to see it, don't THEY have a duty to show it to us, too, irrespective of what ABC does?
posted on
10/28/2004 9:58:49 AM PDT
(Kerry was a useful idiot during the cold war. In the war on terror, he's just an idiot.)
To: B Knotts
OK ABC--so is it something you deliberately withold from people until after they have voted?
posted on
10/28/2004 9:59:44 AM PDT
(uired 4 more hours).)
To: B Knotts
Trust me, if it wasn't true, I'm sure a number of individuals at the FBI and CIA could say this isn't true.
To: conservativepoet
Well, I hope they will come out and just tell us, one way or the other.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:02:38 AM PDT
B Knotts
("John Kerry, who says he doesn't like outsourcing, wants to outsource our national security.")
To: HereComesTheGOP
So while the CIA, the FBI, OHS and ABC continue to dink around and question the authenticity of this tape, OBL and AQ begin gearing up for another attack. Geeze.
To: rod1
Drudge reports a senior federal official claims ABC is holding back from broadcasting any portion of the video out of fear it will be seen as a political move by the network during election week. Oh, but it's OK for the NYT to throw out a hastily concocted story about Al Qa Qaa.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:03:51 AM PDT
(If this isn't the End Times it certainly is a reasonable facsimile...)
To: COBOL2Java
Think Gibbs and Fox might run the story atleast?
To: HereComesTheGOP
"'The streets will run with blood,' and 'America will mourn in silence' because they will be unable to count the number of the dead resulting from an attack promised to dwarf 9-11."Don't believe it! It's just hype. Terrorism is a tactic to demoralize people.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:05:56 AM PDT
(They're not Americans, they're democrats. They hate the US Constitution.)
To: HereComesTheGOP
"'The streets will run with blood,' and 'America will mourn in silence' because they will be unable to count the number of the dead resulting from an attack promised to dwarf 9-11."Don't believe it! It's just hype. Terrorism is a tactic to demoralize people.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:06:36 AM PDT
(They're not Americans, they're democrats. They hate the US Constitution.)
To: HereComesTheGOP
Just because the tape is validated to be from a known terrorist doesn't mean there really is an attack coming before the election. I think the terrorists are smart enough to know an attack now would help Bush. In fact, I think airing of this tape would help Bush!
posted on
10/28/2004 10:07:28 AM PDT
To: fivecatsandadog
If the terrorists are following the Madrid Play book, the attack should occur literally any minute. Of course, they may just be terrorizing (that's what they do), but if there is any shred of information on that tape that could conceivably save lives then they have a moral obligation to air it (silly me, they're demonrats. What was I thinking).
Stay vigilant.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:08:47 AM PDT
(gravity is not a force, dangit)
To: HereComesTheGOP
You know, I'm all for the humane war, sparing civilians, respecting local sensibilities, delicately and patiently restructuring the Middle East and nurturing it until it's ready to join the 21st century and sit at the big table with the grown-ups during the holidays.
Until it becomes counter-productive and we are taking too many hits. Then I say we nuke Mecca.
posted on
10/28/2004 10:09:17 AM PDT
(Votez pour Jean Kerry!!)
To: grobdriver
OK, ABC, let's see it! why ABC why doesn't the govt release it?
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