To: RightWingMama
"Vote for Bush" - Curt Schilling
To: The Hollywood Conservative
I wonder how many votes that endorsement will put in the Bush column is Boston. Congratulations Boston Red Sox.
17 posted on
10/28/2004 7:33:24 AM PDT by
To: The Hollywood Conservative
Being a Yankees fan, Curt Schilling holds a special place in my heart. A dark, cold, unforgiving place...
But now, I may have to reconsider ol' Curt. That was a pretty gutsy performance in Game 6 of the ALCS.
46 posted on
10/28/2004 7:41:16 AM PDT by
(BARKEEP: Why the long face? HORSE: Ha ha, old joke. BARKEEP: Not you, I was talking to JF'n Kerry!)
To: The Hollywood Conservative
"Vote for Bush" - Curt Schilling I loved that. Knocked the socks off of the the guy doing the interview. (or should I say the "Boston Red Sock off").
So For the Kerry Caption: Kerry cap... B stands for BUSH.
138 posted on
10/28/2004 9:15:17 PM PDT by
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