John Roberts finishes the report by saying, "Senator Kerry intends to play up the lost explosives for the remainder of the campaign, using it as a metaphor for all that's wrong with the Bush administration."
ABC middle of the night news show leads with their poll showing Kerry up one over Bush, and then what else? Clinton saying he was the comeback kid. (rather haggard looking "kid", if you ask me.)
(Clinton will be in Colorado and New Mexico at the end of the week)
Terry Moran report on Bush with Guiliani, and Moran says every stop mentions 9-ll.
And then this:
"it's not clear when the explosives were removed, they were there when the UN last inspected in March", says the female ABC anchorette". This gives no mention, certainly not any credibility to NBC's Jim Miklashevski's report that the explosives were already gone when the 101st got there.