We are on a slippery slope if America tolerates political violence. It is a crime against democracy and liberty.. . .
Stealing or damaging property is a less serious crime than creating an atmosphere of fear in the political discourse.
Needless to say, the Libertarians would decry 'statist' laws which punish people for what
could happen from a non-consensual albeit harmless pie toss. "Let the so-called 'victim' sue for her laundering and coiffure fees if she wants to, and leave the rest of us liberty-loving people alone! If anyone fears standing up and speaking their opinions in the face of growing political violence, then that's their problem!"
CJ, you're obsessed by libertarians. I do suggest that you do NOT put words in the mouths of libertarians and misrepresent what libertarians stand for. The foundation of libertarian philosophy is the rejection of the use of agressive force, such as assaulting people with pies. Tell the truth or shut up!