As I have stated to people on this thread...I have no doubts that the chemicals for chemcial weapons were in Iraq. Saddam used them himself in times past.
He either shipped them out of the country or buried them. With or without WMDs, IMHO, we were completely justified in going into Iraq because of its abject violation of agreements it signed to halt hostilities in Desert Storm. We were long past and delinquent in reacting decisively and bringing Saddam down IMHO.
As to these pics...they are interesting. To me, it indicates there is evidence being found in Iraq of chemicals that could potnentially be used as weapons still around. That's all. We are getting some pretty good and interesting replies. That's part of what makes FR so addicting, influential, a source for activism, and a place to meet others and to learn.
Yes i agree wit tech editor here. I too believe they exist and yes indeed these could be part of a stockpile but what we need is PROOF. DOnt get me wrong, its there...but what we need is photos like these and the scientific documentation to back it up so no one, not even Blix himself, can doubt it.
I mean look how confusiong it gets with a leak...we have had so many false dawns on this..what i want is the documentation to say..NOW SCREW YOU BUDDY , (sound of a manual 300 pages long, hits the desk) READ IT AND WEEP...and we will be outside waiting for the apology (which we all know will never come)...
I dont doubt your pictures dude, and good for you finding them. I do notice that the camo guy does not appear to have a chemical suit on...and i for one would not be walking around barrels like that without is there...lets all hope your pictures are the beginning...