Insert INCENDIARY comment here/ If Moms would stop going on "strike", we wouldn't need daycare. /Flaming material off
Meantime, I submit to you, that the progressive tax system in States like Oregon already places a significant burden on working families such that single income households are difficult to achieve if not impossible to maintain. Nevertheless it is a noble goal... one that can be achieved, but is not automatic. But, I submit to you, that another significant entitlement like subsidized childcare will both increase the access and incentive of the institution of surrogate parenthood on the one hand, while creating a financial burden on families currently striving for or able to fulfill your narrow preference such that they will also be prevented from said goal. So while your busy playing with your semantic bic, you might chill your hide long enough to read the original post and give some consideration to the ramifications of the actions being advocated by the SEIU.