What happenes with education goes down the toilet. I went over to yahoo yesterday to read the article on the 5 widows and read the comments on the article where someone PROUDLY posted he's seen an SUV with a Bush/Cheny bumper sticker and keyed the car.... this is what our schools are raising --since so many parents chose to procreate and not participate in the raising of their offspring.
>>Hate to say it, but I am starting to tune Hannity out. I just can't take the format much longer<<
I agree. The interview with Peggy Noonan was good serious civilized discussion. But then in the next segment they bring on this little donkey cheerleader, Jenny Backus, who instead of answering a specific question, sidesteps the issue and immeadiately starts shouting out reverse questions about Republicans intermixed with the same old rehersed Kerry talking points . Its a total waste of viewer time!
The only good thing is that after W slams sKerry these Democryt motor mouths will shut up for a while - that is if W wins by an uncontested margin.
I'd like to see a group of people park a Bush-laden car in a Lib district, set up and wait for someone to key it, and then hand them the surprise of their lives (hint, hint).