Drugs: The victimless crime.
And here I thought all these jihad murderers were good little muslims...HA!
Nothin but a pack of junkie killers.
A spike in one arm and a gun/bomb in the other!
Do junkie jihad warriors get more virgins in Paradise???
This may be a contributing factor, but it's safe to say that this crime took place because the perpatrators were high on jihad. The heroin may have been the Islamofascist version of Irish courage, but it didn't 'make' these guys go in and kill the school. Ideology did.
That's right. Herion addicts ALWAYS take entire schools of children hostage and shoot them in the back as they try to run away.
We hear about it all the time.
Yeah, I noticed that all those cancer patients on morphine start drawing up plans to shoot up schools with that very first drip into their veins. And I remember how those ultra-thin models, with their heroin chic look, were organizing terror cells and flew planes into the fashion runways.
By the way, that was sarcasm as scorching as it gets.