And you can bet the farm they're not looking too hard now. If Kerry wins, they might. A big story is still a big story... and they covered Clinton's fiasco even while grumbling about it.
"without proof"
IMO this is the reason they(KERRY/DNC) planted RATHERGATE, to scare off anyone one reporting on this discharge story.
The liberal media tried as hard as they could not to cover the Clinton Fiasco. Drudge had to break Lewinsky because Newsweek sat on it. The Wall Street Journal editorial page broke Broaddrick because NBC sat on it. They sat on Paula Jones for months even though they went after Clarence Thomas and Bob Packwood relentlessly. 60 Minutes actually broke Cathleen Willey but then appologized for it.
And no one broke the unnamed women, though they go after Republicans for charges by unnamed women like they did with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
When the liberal media did cover Clinton, they portrayed it as a Republican witch hunt into his private life even though he lied in a sexual harassment case, and even though the liberal media portrayed the Dems heroically going after the public actions of Republicans when it was Thomas and Packwood.
It was the coverage of the liberal media that saved Clinton. Had they treated Paula Jones, Cathleen Willey, Juanta Broaddrick and the two unnamed women the way they treated Saint. Antia Hill and the Packwood Women, Clinton would have been thrown out of office because he would have lost popular support.
When a Republican is accused of making dirty jokes it is a public, women's issue and the woman, St. Antia Hill, is deified in the liberal media.
When a Democrat is accused sexual exposure, sexual assault, and rape it is a personal, private problem and ALL the women are either demonized like Paula Jones and Cathleen Willey, or ignored like Juanita Broaddrick and the at-least two unnamed women by the liberal media.