I found 8 different one time sign up and posts on that thread and saved them to a document. I wonder if a CSI-type study could be made of the various names that were chosen by our 'clever' rumor spreader to reveal the true identity? I will look at it later.
Here's an interesting one, not sure if you has seen it:
De Valera
Since Sep 22, 2004
Only one post:
To: Gerry Jarcia
I can't validate any details but I can say I just heard the same comments re: womanizing from a Federal Government source. Also the fact that the O spends many hours working out in local gyms to keep that buff physique the ladies like, not to mention his lame Irish band (maybe he should spend more time fixing the broken/corrupt school sysytem).
23 posted on 09/22/2004 11:16:54 AM PDT by De Valera (Too much time on his hands)