Dorothy Bush Koch, known as Doro, is a Houston, Texas, native who currently lives in Bethesda, Maryland. She is the daughter of President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush and is married to Bobby Koch (pronounced Cook), president and CEO of Wine Institute. The Kochs have four children 7-year-old Gigi, 10-year-old Robert, 16-year-old Ellie and 19-year-old Sam.
Mrs. Koch earned a bachelors degree from Boston College and currently attends Wesley Seminary on a part-time basis. She is working toward a masters degree in theological studies at the Washington D.C. seminary.
I'm going to a W...for Women panel here in Albuquerque on 10/19 with Doro, Lynn Cheney, Ambassador Nancy Brinker and Congresswoman Heather Wilson. I was already looking forward to the event. Now, I'm even more excited.