Those two nit-wits made my blood boil after the debates!
jmstein7 -- hey here's one that's not yours :)
BTTT -- excellent idea.
First CBS, now ABC. Someone predicted the collapse of the MSM in this election (Bernie Goldberg, maybe?) and it's a delight to behold.
I sent him the article linking Mark Halperin's father to George Soros
Perhaps Clear Channel can get a news feed from NewsCentral or Fox
bump for later
check out the Anti-DNC portal
LOSER, dammit, LOSER, LOSER, LOSER!!! The President's suit may have been looser, but Kerry was the loser of the debate. ( sigh )
Anyway. Can someone clarify, a little bit, what exactly we're going to send to Clear Channel Execs? Apparently Clear C', the radio conglomerate thingie, is "purchasing" (more or less?) news coverage from ABC, right? And so we want to ask them to dump ABC, for Halperin reasons, in favor of FNC, right? ( Does FNC even have a radio-type of news thing that they offer for the market? ) Eh, well just please tell me if I'm not quite getting this, I'm a bit shaky.
Done. I usually get local news updates anyways, but thank God I didn`t have to hear that ABC--AllBullCrap spin last night.
Sam and Cokey were just exposing that they agree ideologically with the Senator's far left comments about government control of the health industry, along with unending defeatism about the war in Iraq.
The lead paragraph is not true. I called our Clear Channel affiliate in Columbus, OH where I live this eveing and talked to the producer about last night and any night on the post debate programming. Funny, they dump ABC as soon as the debate ended and returned to local programming.
The producer also said the talk last night was not about the post debate coverage, but the questions and the questioner.
As for ABC carriage on the Columbus station, the only time the station carries ABC news is sometimes overnight on the weekends (when Art Bell is on and so there would be no commentary about ABC content) and when they carry Paul Harvey. They do during local newscasts carry some actualities from the network during national story coverage in local casts.
Cokie Roberts had to declare Bush the looser loser...
there that's better.
Speaking of Sam Donaldson, I used to watch This Week with David Brinkley years ago, with Sam Donaldson as a guest commentator. He spoke in steady and measured sentences, not the halting phrases I have heard him use after these debates. It seems like he's doing an impression of David Brinkley nowadays: "And now..... we go..... to our correspondent.... in New York.... Cokie Roberts." It cracks me up.
Speaking of Sam Donaldson, I used to watch This Week with David Brinkley years ago, with Sam Donaldson as a guest commentator. He spoke in steady and measured sentences, not the halting phrases I have heard him use after these debates. It seems like he's doing an impression of David Brinkley nowadays: "And now..... we go..... to our correspondent.... in New York.... Cokie Roberts." It cracks me up.