Essentially, this statement of yours is bullshit! No one affiliated with AFFT promotes the notion that "all persons should have a level of income guaranteed regardless of the productivity of that individual, that is, they should share at the outset equally in all forms of production."
The "prebate" concept is a means to keep the necessities of life untaxed and instill a measure of progressivity into the Fair Tax in an effort to keep the demagogues at bay.
The prebate is not a BIG! And AFFT does not support such a cockamamie concept! And I for damn sure don't!
I think the FairTax advocates should lose the "prebate" welfare concept. If protecting the poor is the design of this "prebate" concept, perhaps the government should simply avoid taxing certain categories of items, like food, clothing, and medical supplies. The last thing we need is a massive government-dependency program, which is what this "prebate" could become.