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To: Lady Heron

Yes, I recall...that was 20+ years ago. Now, try to place yourself in that setting....the media was a bit different, albeit still biased. It wasn't cable news 24/7 yet, so the voting cohort was different although more Depression era democrats were still living. I'm saying that the 'undecided' vote of today is much more likely to bow to the spin, especially those that are first time voters. Heck, the crowd in the debate last night generally were in diapers when Reagan was in office. A few were older...old enough to not be undecided at this point, but every generation is salted with some that aren't bright enough to make decisions. Although older, they certainly never got any wiser and they'll vote the party they always voted for--most likely democratic.

7,386 posted on 10/09/2004 6:47:10 AM PDT by damper99
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To: damper99
My point: There was no other sources for information except the MSN when Reagan was president. They were it, along with there hatred and slanted reporting (I could even pick up on it as a high school student). My point was even being led down a path of hatred by the MSN toward Reagan the public saw that his fight against the Russians was the right one....This was why the MSN labeled him the great communicator...because despite all their negativity toward Reagan the people backed him.

I see the same hatred in the MSN toward Bush and his war. There is a clear right way to defend this country and one that will leave us sitting ducks for islamic terrorist and weak toward the rest of the world. But now there are alternative news sources.

I disagree with you about the undecideds... Those Depression era democrats with Reagan had to make a huge decision to break for Reagan, and the undecided middle were just the same as today. I just don't see this election as even being close. I could be way off the mark. This election just feels the same to me as Reagan's second term election did to me, hatred of the media and their trying to rig the election for the dem and make it a close race and all.

7,403 posted on 10/09/2004 9:41:39 AM PDT by Lady Heron
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