To: bholaway
Kerry is rambling and making little sense.
1,709 posted on
10/08/2004 6:33:37 PM PDT by
(Senator Kerry for President of the Debate Team.)
To: All
Now I can hear W W W W from upstairs. Things must be going well. I am still cowering
1,876 posted on
10/08/2004 6:36:48 PM PDT by
(The left would RATHER lie)
To: ShandaLear
Right -
Kerry is nervous and rattled!
GW is taking it to him!
GW cut off Charlie Gibson cold and after the ABC/Halperin memo Gibson was not bout to play God.
Kerry is attempting to divert but GW is hot on the case.
1,988 posted on
10/08/2004 6:39:02 PM PDT by
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