I know how both of you feel. I have gotten to the point where I simply can't watch television when Kerry or Edwards are on spewing their bile against the President and against this country. Same for many television talkheads.
If these two were known and recognized enemies of America, it would be difficult to take them. It makes it 1000 times more difficult knowing that half of American voters may vote for this trash and destroy our country in the bargain.
It really is tough to take. I have friends and family that are serving or have served in the military. As far as I'm concerned, Kerry is a traitor.
I can't watch him or Edwards. It is embarrassing that Edwards is from NC.
Maybe this will make you feel better. My neighbor has no computer and our only local paper is leftist. I almost fell over when she asked where I got the Bush/Cheney sign for the lawn so that she can get one. She HATES Kerry, and says she wants Bush to win because she wants a man who will protect us.
Hatred distorts people's judgment.
The anger of the anti-Bush forces has seemingly made them incapable of discerning truth from lies, right from wrong or consequences.
We can only pray that these people don't decieve enough of the electorate to put this fraud into the WH.
During the first debate, I was driving with my daughter listening to it on the radio. I was so embarrassed by Kerry's inane, meaningless, erroneous statements, I wanted to run out of the car--and I was driving!