You have every reason to be. The way they treated Ryan was completely out of order. And after all of that--feigning embarrassment over these allegations that should have remained sealed anyway, they narrowed the replacement process down to two people: an out-of-state conservative and an in-state liberal marred by "sex-related" scandal of her own. Out of desperation (and probably not without division), they chose the superior candidate, Keyes--the only one who could show stark differences between himself and Obama.
Only people like you can turn it around, though. The only way that's going to happen, IMO, is if you go against the grain...if you stand up to the machinery that is in place. You should have no doubt by now that Keyes will stand up to them. If that doesn't rally your support, I fear that very little will be done to alter the status quo.
But Keyes is not adequately showing the electorate Obama's far left record because Keyes is a lightning rod. Keyes comes across as kooky. And that takes all the pressure off of Obama.