The article lists the states targeted as:
Georgia, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon and California.
I looked up polls at
ALL of these states have Kerry winning or are swing states, with the exception of Georgia.
Would there be a political reason for terrorists to choose these states?
We also have to remember that we know how far candidates will go to win elections - could this have been planted in an effort to scare people in those states back to supporting Bush?
Having seen the media used so many times for such things, it is something that needs consideration. Hate to say it, but i hope I am right in this thinking, because the alternative - that terrorists are targeting our schools - is much worse.
I strongly suspect the problem isn't limited to these states. Years ago when doing research in the federal dept of education website I came across some statistics that projected home education to grow exponentially until 2015 and they had calculated terrorism as part of the reason.