If I were a thirty-year-old living in The Netherlands, this would scare me to death. In twenty years, most people under twenty-years-old in The Netherlands will be Muslim. This is the demographic trend. In forty years, about the time I would be entering my "cavity-prone years" where I would be more of a burden than a help to the state, the majority of productive workers in The Netherlands will be Muslim.
Are these taxpaying, productive young Muslims going to have a strong incentive for keeping my old, feeble, ethnic Dutch, Christian butt alive? Or are they going to make the economically rational decision and cut off my air supply?
If I were a middle-aged person in The Netherlands, I would be very wary of putting into place the mechanisms which people will use to make that choice when the time comes.
I think they've been doing this to the elderly for some time. I have an acquaintance whose grandmother lived in Amsterdam. Twenty years ago she was terminally ill. The impression I got is that she was "helped along" at the end.