Fox reported the CBS documents, too, until the power of the internet drove the facts home. Fox also dismissed the Swift Vets for almost a week before some truths from them grew to great to ignore.
Please stop worrying. The truth is coming out. Someone just posted the MSNBC linked story on this poll and a poster reminded us how 'twas Newsweek that had a poll with Jeb down 20 points a couple weeks before he in fact won by 14.
So don't be excessive in any despair you decide to indulge in, is my advice.
to great should be too great
It's really not despair...it's frustration. I seriously doubt that FOX will suddenly say, "Wait a minute...Newsweek over-polled Republicans after the RNC & over-polled Democrats after the debate. Not to mention the fact that Thursday's polling was mostly done in the Pacific time zone. No wonder their poll shows the President losing ground." This will not be covered like the SBVT or the CBS documents. There will be no follow-up to this poll.
Having said all that, I still think the President is going to win! I, however, will not have any hair left by Nov. 2nd!