"I agree, and on state levels and local levels, party isn't completely an indicator. In Michigan, we would not have gotten CPLS passed without 1/3 to 1/4 of the dems backing it(Eileen DeHart and Chris Dingell most notably). 1/3 to 1/4 of the GOP opposed it, Joe Schwarz most actively. The problem is the dem leadership in the national level and their top funders."
My response: Nothing to argue with there. But there are folks at the lower levels in the Dem party who do not agree with the grabbers.
"I'm a Republican who has voted against anti-rights Republicans (one at a small level in the last election) in the past and would again. I also would not vote for Joe Schwarz whose running in the 7th district if I lived in that district."
My response: Good. The party labels usually don't mean much. Especially in the south. Lining up to drink the koolaid, regardless of who is dispensing it, is usually a dumb idea.
"Any anyone that votes to ban the .30-30, whether it be John Kerry or Lincoln Chafee doesn't deserve to be elected dogcatcher."
My response: dogcatchers get a bad rap. We shouldn't malign their otherwise good reputations by associating them with gun confiscators.
The party labels usually don't mean much
So then why did you choose one for your screen name, Democrat? (sniff-sniff)
So you're voting for the RAT on top of the ticket then?
(((crickets having crickets)))
Yeah, but he lives in Guam and has limited resources to do anything about it.
Sorry, but I give you a day or two here. You have too many of the DUisms going to give a good ride.
You are right though; a lot of Dims do believe in the RKBA. But they will cut off their nose to spite their face. As will you.