Hugh hasn't a clue. By Monday, this will be even nationally, with Kerry pulling close or ahead in some swing states. Bush may well still win, but the polls will shrink by Monday -- and the media will spin hard.
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Local Wcco TV Group has no real change. MN. Undecided. This is a very liberal station. Lean somewhat Pres. Bush.
President Bush clearly won the policy debate tonight.
1. We SHOULD not demean our allies and Kerry has called them a gang of the coerced.
2. We SHOULD be consistent in our direction in this war and Kerry began the debate saying he supported taking our Saddam Hussein and he ended it saying our "invading" Iraq and taking our Saddam was a mistake.
3. We SHOULD strongly support United States independence and Kerry says we should pass a global test before we act.
4. We SHOULD involve all countries that have the ability to influence N. Korea but Kerry CHANGED in mid-stream from a supporter of a bi-lateral method to a tri-lateral supporter. Had the debate gone on for another hour he would have worked all the way up to Bush's 5 pronged leverage on N. Korea.
He flipped right on screen.