It was our military inviting Americans to an 'Open House' to see what our tax dollars are buying. It wasn't a fast hustle to support the local needle exchange program, or a scam to fund midnight basketball.
COSTCO is out in left field on this one, and from what's being written on this thread, that's their home turf.
COSTCO did not have to do a public confrontation with our boys in uniform. They could have called the Armory and told them about their private property policy, and allowed their superior officer to withdraw them. COSTCO chose to stage a public humiliation of our military in the presence of American civilians. THAT WAS WRONG. THAT WAS INSULTING. THAT WAS UNAMERICAN.
Anyone who supports the manner in which COSTCO forced the National Guard to leave their private property is no better than the anti-American scum who got a kick out of giving the boot to the very men who are putting their lives on the line to defend the rights of those ingrates to live in a country where they can tell the military to shove off.
Ungrateful American nincompoops -- the greatest threat to the shredding of the American Constitution.
International socialism in America has brainwashed an entire generation of Americans to look upon anything American as repugnant and vile. This is the reason young Americans are more than willing to carry out the will of a corporate board room, over any allegiance they hold to the country of their birth.
I understand how you feel about it. My foster father died in the service of our country, and I'm heavily involved in supporting our troops.
But my statement holds that a business has the right to have a policy of not allowing the use of its private property by anyone else. As much as I support the troops, I also support free enterprise which they defend along with the other rights and laws generated under our Constitution.
Now if someone wants to tell them off or drop their membership because of a disagreement with the store over its policies, then they have the right to do that, too.