Don't use the term RINO,when what you really are trying to say,is that someone wasn't/isn't a Conservative.
You state that he wasn't a conservative, if not a conservative then what?
He stole the election from a true conservative Taft with a write in campaign in NH.
If Ike was "apolitical" but ran as a Republican, then doesn't that make him a perfect case in point RINO?
Don't use the term RINO,when what you really are trying to say,is that someone wasn't/isn't a Conservative.
Isn't RINO the term generally given to Republicans who are not conservatives and by word and deed undermine conservatism? Eisenhower rarely challenged the Democrats on any issue, and I would argue his weakness as a party leader played a part in the GOP losing their Congressional majority in 1954.
Eisenhower named Earl Warren and William Brennan to the U.S. Supreme Court (though in fairness Ike regretted doing so). Still, you can see how it happened. Ike was a RINO and he appointed a RINO (Warren) was Chief Justice. And Brennan was a Democrat.