To: Casloy
15 posted on
09/29/2004 2:38:06 AM PDT by
To: hershey
Liberals have to learn that there are consequences for actions. Personal responsibilities are not just for Republicans.
Shrillary's "it takes a village" gives people a built in excuse not to take responsibility. Someone does something wrong? Hey! It's society's fault. WRONG.
It's a parents job to teach children this, not the school systems job.
Lurch is getting a hard lesson in personal responsibility right now with the things he's said/done in his past that can't be denied or explained away.
16 posted on
09/29/2004 3:54:05 AM PDT by
(Hanoi Jane and John . She's nothing but a washed up old, prune faced hag...and Fonda is too.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson