You just know this guy never played football before in his life by the expressions he makes when he catches it. He`s just doing it so he can look like JFK, which is why he makes sure there`s a million photos taken of him. He such a putz...He doesn`t realize the more he does this, the more he looks like a complete doofus. Then he shows up the next day with an orange painted face to look like Mr. Outdoors man lol!!! "I got it playing football"...Yeah, Ok I`m fooled.
"Just hold that pose John for another miute...Yeah! that`s it man, you look macho! Yeah man! Just like JFK!"
Actually that's a common misconception. The UV rays do penetrate the clouds, as many a burned person will attest.
That being said, though, that hour of "football", (quotes because it looks from the pictures like it doesn't really qualify as anything more than some pansies playing around with a football), had nothing whatsoever to do with his new look. I wonder if he's saying there happened to be a botox syringe in the ball that hit him in the face as well.
His feeling the need for a makeover before the first debate on Thursday bodes well for the fact that he otherwise expose himself for the phony he is.