Posted on 09/27/2004 2:58:25 PM PDT by jjmnolte
SPRING GREEN, United States (AFP) - Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry (news - web sites) appealed for an end to the TV advertising war that has marked his election battle against President George W. Bush (news - web sites).
Kerry said the avalanche of negative television spots and attacks being shown on US screens was scaring off voters.
***More like kicking his Butt.
"Americans need a real conversation over our future," Kerry said in a speech at a school in Spring Green, Wisconsin.
"What they don't need is all these trumped up advertisements, they just make people curl up and walk away," added the Massachusetts senator.
***Who's gonna curl up and walk away. You now? Or you in Iraq?
"I'm calling them 'misleadisments,'" Kerry said of the adverts. "It's all scare tactics ... because (Bush) has no record to run on."
***"Misleadments?" Is that like, Misunderestimae?
The Democrats have complained bitterly about a new advertisement that shows Osama bin Laden (news - web sites), September 11 hijack leader Mohamed Atta, Saddam Hussein (news - web sites) and the ruins of the World Trade Center, and questioned whether Kerry was up to dealing with them.
A statement called the spot, run by the Republican group Progress for America Voter Fund, the latest in a series of "desperate and despicable attack ads" aimed at diverting attention from Bush's record.
The Democrats have rolled out a new advert of their own, titled "Despicable," in which they accused the Bush administration of "playing politics with terror" and dividing the country to win a second term at the White House.
A group called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has also been at the center of the television advertising battle with controversial spots aimed at discrediting Kerry's Vietnam War record. The adverts accused the decorated Vietnam War veteran of exaggerating or lying about his exploits.
In Wisconsin, Kerry also made a personality attack against the president, saying that he and his rival are both children of privilege, but Bush considers his comfortable position an entitlement.
Kerry said "he and I, we went to the same university, we're both very privileged." Both men attended Yale University.
The Democrat added that from his education "came a sense of fairness and responsibility" while Bush "thinks it's entitlement."
Kerry said America's middle classes had suffered from the huge tax cuts that Bush had presided over and which Democrats say mainly benefit the most wealthy.
"He doesn't care, he's out of touch," said Kerry.
The Democratic contender has been in Wisconsin since Sunday preparing for the first of the presidential debates against Bush on Thursday.
He sought to highlight his own campaign commitments ahead of the November 2 election against Bush's "broken promise after broken promise".
Kerry also launched a new attack Bush's campaign in Iraq (news - web sites), a topic where Republicans have accused him of continually changing position.
"I've been right on Iraq all along," said Kerry. "I said yes, we ought to hold him (Saddam Hussein) accountable, but let's do it the right way, and I showed what it was, step by step. And step-by-step the president chose the wrong way."
I was thinking that lately, when Kerry keeps bringing up the President landing on the aircraft carrier; a huge percentage of the people then picture President Bush flying a jet onto a carrier, and then 98% of women who saw the picture, imagine the President in that flight suit. Those are both very positive images. Kerry is an idiot.
I just heard a quote from Kerry,something about when a horse is drowning in mid stream you change horses.
But, but, but couldn't Kerry give the horse mouth to mouth like he did to the hamster and save the horse's life?
wasn't this mister bring it on! now hes all make it stop
please this guy is a loser if he wins we are all doomed
Don't give them any ideas, that's alot more memorable than Kerry's made-up word which I forgot
Democratic presidential challenger John Kerry appealed for an end to the TV advertising war Is this how Kerry proposes to deal with terrorists? Appeal to them to stop? If the guy can't deal with negative television advertising, how is he ever going to handle the sort of people who would blow up a school full of kids? |
What a maroon, coming out and saying he's privileged, as if people needed reminding of that fact LOL
That's on a par with Edwards' "if you want [insert good thing here] vote for Bush" LOL
The same would be true if he said "sojourns from factitude" or "forays into embellishment."
Just tell 'em they can't recognize a fighter pilot when they come across the real deal.
The Left has never been hit with this before. Heretofore, any Republican mainstream adverstising, whether by congressmen or GOP presidential candidates, has been "high-road" messages, designed to prove to the dull-witted that the GOP does not want to poison the air and water, kill children and throw old people out of their homes. Meanwhile - the 'Rats have concentrated on messages trying to "prove" that they do. They've gotten used to their privilege of lying and smearing without any righteous retribution from the GOP.
Things are different now. Although talk radio has been skewering the Left for their outrages for years, only those people that listen to talk radio, or actively read sites like FR - have heard a sane characterization of the Left. The people that are hooked into the MSM only hear the endless trashing of the GOP, and their limp-wristed responses.
So Leftist 527 ads draw a collective yawn from the mainstream voter. The've heard these charges and attitudes from their MSM "news" sources. What IS new, though, is tough, hard-hitting conservative 527 ads - that lay out in substantiated detail, the scumbaggery of one John Kerry, and his assorted motley crew of liars, traitors and cheats.
It is apparently killing them...
No he would pull the troops from Iraq and then negotiate with the Islamic/Fascists to "please leave us alone"!
And, this ladies and gentlemen, officially ends the "BRING IT ON!" phase of the Kerry campaign strategy.
Between Bush campaign ads along with the Swift boat ads, Kerry is already in trouble, Add in T.H.K's mouth and his flip flopping and he's sunk with no boat to turn around and pick him up.
The dems and their minions having been running a smear Bush campaign for 14 months and now they want it all to stop? We're just getting started.
Save a horse. Ride a Cowboy
I thought about that....but then I remember seeing the news article that pointed out that the ads that they pulled ...were the same ads they were going to run in the other target areas.
Amazing how Kerry calls for an end to the hostilities ("Americans need a real conversation over our future"), then proceeds to rip Bush ("He doesn't care, he's out of touch," "It's all scare tactics ... because (Bush) has no record to run on.") the SAME FREAKIN' SPEECH.
Positively Clintonesque.
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