These are the facts about elections.
Democrats want each vote to count at least twice. To counter this the Republicans pay to have people not go to the polls.
This is like someone having 4 kings up their sleeve in a card game and the winner had 4 aces up his.
Is it wrong? Sure. But that is what is called MAD.
America is based on Social Security numbers. To vote you have to present one which gets matched up with a database. Hewre you can update where you live by showing a bill. NOw we can address the census. This is the one thing the RATS do not want us to do because alot of those Blue states(11 I think) will now go red.
Not good enough. In order to vote, EVERY VOTER should be required to show PICTURE ID---not Social Security card (fake cards being "dime a dozen" commodities. I wouldn't be averse to this being a change to the "motor voter" legislation. In addition to issuing "drivers licenses", when you register to vote, you must be issued a "voters license" along with the voter registration. You then have to show that ID every time you vote. If you change residences/polling places, then you have to get an update sticker issued for the card.