---But as 1971 wore on, Mr. Kerry, who had been raising most of the group's money from celebrities like Jane Fonda and others, grew increasingly wary of the organization's more radical elements, and disillusioned with its anarchic nature. "I began to sense there were some folks out there on their own doing their stuff and calling it V.V.A.W.," he said this summer. "I just said, 'It's not my cup of tea.' And the agenda began to expand beyond antiwar to different this, social that, whatever. It just lost its way."
Mr. Kerry said he decided that politics, not protesting, would give him "greater strength and the ability to make something happen."
What he wanted was to end the war as quickly as possible, and he decided to run for Congress on an antiwar platform in 1972.---
Classic Kerry. He wanted to run in '70 but the slot was filled, so he runs in '72, and makes it sound like some momentous evolutionary growth had taken place.
Kerry's life has been distinguished by opportunism.