For democracies to work well you need a yeoman class - i.e. Hoplite or the so called middle class. That is a self sufficient class of people that work but work enough to have some free time to ponder and conduct the affairs of the state.
That should be the only economic policy of a democratic republic. Not looking out for businesses or for business efficency models.
Since in my view a succesful economical system for a democracy maintains or expands the middle class base then the last 30 years as manufacturing declined and teh middle class declined America's economy has been failing.
My thesis is that for free trade to be a "boon" it requires that the middle class to grow. It in fact has shrunk.
Disclaimer for the loop-hole loving protectionist: this does not include an elected government's ability to make policies that grant equal rights to her citizenry - rights that do not extend past opportunity to obtain a higher standard of living through the society's legal framework.