I have some thing contrary about the above report:
Why should they Buy AK-47 or it ammunition when Iran can make it anyway?
Why does he buy AK-47 for US$ 450 when you can buy it for less than USD 100 in open market ??
QUESTION who has to date seen any Mil-24 or Mil-35 in Iran flying on Tarmac of airports ? ........ answer is no one, except the one Iraqi Mi-24 captured in 1986 in front lines and is on display.
As for US$ 5 Billion order, I ask anyone to realistically look at conventional arms transferred to Iran since 1988 and you see how such disinformation we get about Iran and its military Build-up ......
So my conclusion on the report is that, this is a False Report.
"I have some thing contrary about the above report:
Why should they Buy AK-47 or it ammunition when Iran can make it anyway?
Why does he buy AK-47 for US$ 450 when you can buy it for less than USD 100 in open market ??
QUESTION who has to date seen any Mil-24 or Mil-35 in Iran flying on Tarmac of airports ? ........ answer is no one, except the one Iraqi Mi-24 captured in 1986 in front lines and is on display.
As for US$ 5 Billion order, I ask anyone to realistically look at conventional arms transferred to Iran since 1988 and you see how such disinformation we get about Iran and its military Build-up ......
So my conclusion on the report is that, this is a False Report."
I just spoke with Banafsheh.
She attributes the report to a "highly reliable source within the Iranian Intelligence community that has always provided reliable information." She stands by the report.
She also told me she is publishing a report on Iranian response to Michael Moore's movie "Fahreheit 9/11" which is now showing in Tehran. Contrary to other posts on this thread she claims people are rejecting the film as propaganda. The report will be release by week's end.