You know what I was thinking earlier today? How much smarter the rank and file Republicans are as compared to their dem counterparts. A blogger took CBS down, am I right? Who are the bloggers, they're nearly all Republicans or Conservatives. No two people deserve world-class beatings more than rather and kerry. This couldn't happen to a more deserving man. May he rot in History's hell.
Tanker KC, Buckhead and Howlin with some help from others on this board noticed the forgeries and investigated them. The Blogs were alerted and continued investigation. Fromt there it jumped to talk radio and cable, and it spun out to where it is today. Pretty impressive.
I think the Libs have just grown complacent. They are used to a world where talk radio, cable and the net don't exist. they didn't take precautions because they have grown accusstomed to not being challenged. Waving the forged memos on camera is evidence of their arrogance.