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To: MarMema

It would seem that some people posting in this thread are HELL-bent to make sure that the Soviet threat remains in the past. Has anyone here wondered how the powers-that-be in "Russia" could possibly "elect" (read: appoint) a former KGB (and GRU) Col. to the Presidency of Russia? Think about it. Are we really supposed to believe that, after the untold millions the Communists murdered all the way up to 1990, that the Russian people would select one of their murderers to lead their country? There's a reason why there is a constant cry of FOUL when it comes to "Russian" elections. But some people on this forum would rather that we all remain asleep. Sorry, too late for me...I'm fully awake.

26 posted on 09/19/2004 3:43:19 PM PDT by GIJoel
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To: GIJoel
You're fully awake with your 1994 post.

Fully awake with hate, ignorance, and tinfoil, perhaps.

I am tired and sickened by trying to help posters like you over the last few days to use their brain and think.

If you think this kind of hate and distortion is the answer in this life, May God have mercy on you.

27 posted on 09/19/2004 3:47:21 PM PDT by MarMema
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To: GIJoel

BY Professor Dr. Mahmoud Youssef Shawarbi

Islam is a universal religion which is embraced by one quarter of the population of the world. In fact the followers of Islam are spread all over the world from the Far East to the Far West. Many thinkers in the world who studied Islam carefully believe that Islam is a natural barrier against communism.

In this essay we shall try to discuss this fact and show how Islam really stands as a concrete barrier against communism.

At the outset we should like to mention the main principles on which communism is founded. They can be summarized in the following

1. — The Denial of the existence of God.

2. — Life is absolutely materialistic and has no spiritual background.

3. — Abolition of private ownership.

4. — Nationalization of all resources and its control by the State.

5. — Replacing the inland trade by rationing cards.

6. — The adoption of Linin’s theory of wages which says "Form everyone according to his ability to everyone according to his needs."

It is thus clearly shown that the idea of communism is based on a purely materialistic basis. According to communism the whole universe has no supreme power behind it. It has no God who created it. The denial of the existence of God is a common belief Lo all communists. All the Russian pioneers to the space denied the existence of God. Karl Marx as one of the founders of communism.

35 posted on 09/19/2004 4:50:33 PM PDT by MarMema
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