I have no idea what his marital status is, or what his relationship with the Church is. But what I said about functioning as a priest in extraordinary circumstances still holds.
Villanovans for Life Is on It:
September 21, 2004
Dear Dr. Toton,
I am writing on behalf of Villanovans For Life in regards to Fr. Drinan coming to speak on campus on Tuesday, September 21 as part of the Election 2004: Issues and Concerns series. Mike Seibert, president of Villanovans For Life, and I met with Dr. Werpehowski last Thursday to discuss Fr. Drinan's coming to speak for the talk on "Economic Issues." While we understood that he might be qualified to give a talk on "Economic Issues" we were concerned that you chose someone who was not fully onboard with the Catholic Social Teaching.
I am sure you know Fr. Drinan and his positions well to have chosen him to come speak, and so you must realize that Fr. Drinan is a pro-abortion priest. His stance on abortion is largely why the Pope called for priests to no longer serve in public office. With that in mind we are confused as to why you would still choose to invite him as part of a series sponsored by the Center for Peace and Justice whose own mission statement stresses the "support of the University mission ... by focusing on ... the Catholic Social Teaching in particular." From the University's Mission statement it is said that,
"The University attempts to develop an environment in which students, faculty, and staff may experience a Christian intellectual and moral perspective, believing that the teachings of the Catholic faith are applicable in every area of human activity."
... if the University believes that the teachings of the Catholic faith are applicable in EVERY human activity, including talks on economics, why is it that we are allowing Fr. Drinan to come and talk while he personally opposes the first point that the USCCB makes on Catholic Social Teaching... "the inherent dignity of the human person" which as they say "is the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching."
By Fr. Drinan's pro-abortion stance, he has lost the foundation of all the principles of our social teaching. As a result, Villanovans For Life and its alumni, our parents, as well as many other Alumni and local community members are very confused why Fr. Drinan is coming to speak at Villanova. He is in opposition with the University's mission, the church's beliefs, Villanovans For Life as a part of Peace and Justice, and the Center for Peace and Justice itself, his main sponsor.
The purpose of this letter is two fold. The first purpose you have seen already... our confusion at his invitation. The second is to alert you to the fact that many--alumni, community members as well as VFL members-- have questions and are in disagreement with your inviting Fr. Drinan. Many of these people are planning to attend this lecture. Villanovans For Life would like to let you know this but also let you know that we are a peaceful group and have no intention of disrupting the talk no matter how much we are in disagreement with your choice of speakers, and Fr. Drinan's way of thinking. We may have a presence at the talk, but our goal will be to share the truth on Fr. Drinan's inconsistencies of the Catholic Social Teaching that he is trying to present on the part of the economics. We cannot control what others not affiliated with Villanovans For Life do, but we did want to make you aware of the situation.
I hope that we can discuss this topic further, even beyond Tuesday night. We would like to help by working with you in choosing future speakers who support the entire Catholic Social Teaching, especially the dignity of all human life, starting with the unborn.
Thank you for your time and the ministry you do. If you have questions feel free to contact myself at laura.ledgerwood@villanova.edu or Mike at Michael.seibert@villanova.edu .
Laura Ledgerwood Mike Seibert
VFL Treasurer VFL President