What even more amazing is supposedly they CBS and their producers Mary Mapes investigated this story for 4 years! 4 years!!! I don't look like they took 4 days let alone 4 years! i think CBS should ask Mary Mapes for their money back LOL Now the news media is trying to back up Mapes by saying she was the one that broke Abu Gharab.. well news flash... the military broke that story.. just because Viacom has deep pockets and can pay for pictures doesn't mean that they are good journalists, I'm sure hustler magazine could have outbid them for the pictures if they wanted to! would that make Larry Flynt a top notch journalist?
Mary Mapes told John Carlson that they believed the old lady Marian Carr Knox typed those memos!1 Even though Knox said she didn't!! Who's lying?
Then go with what it looks like. They haven't investigated the story for four years. That's the cover story to make it look like they dug it up instead of being approached by high-level democrats in recent days.