I knew the facts didn't matter when the courts kept overturning partial-birth abortion laws under the pretense that it is sometimes necessary to protect the mother's health. It never is, because the alternative to partial-birth abortion is not continued pregnancy, it is live birth.
To the best of my knowledge, there is only ONE scenario when PBA is the best solution. (I can't remember what it's called right now, but I *think* it's hydrocephalus.) The baby's head can be HUGE (think basketball) and impossible to deliver. The baby hasn't developed a brain and the head is over-filled with fluid. The PBA is safer for the mother than a C-section and preserves her fertility for a later try.
In these very RARE situations, when a baby has failed to develop a brain AND has hydrocephalus, I believe that PBA is the best way to resolve the situation. (Actually, I believe that this was what it was developed for in the first place.)
That said, as long as PBA is legal, it will NEVER be confined to these rare, horrible tragedies. It will be abused as such thing always are. Any PBA ban must include only this situation and then lock the door tight.