Ditto, hold your nose and vote for Bush... unless it gets too bad on the immigration front.
Sounds like a replay on the election with "read my lips, no new taxes" and Bush I.
Some day there'll be a 3rd party that supports Western Civilization and is against illegal immigration. Then the new-style Republicans will be in trouble.
All the conservatives will bolt.
I remember that we held our noses 4 years ago. The pubbies told us to give him a gop House and Senate and we'd get what we wanted. We held up our end of the deal. This year, I'm not holding my nose.
There is such a party..the Constitution Party. They'll be getting my support this election.
There already is. The Constitution Party [Anthony Peroutka] Someday..2008 I hope,,it will be viable because THAT is when I am leaving the CINO RepublicRats..for better or wasted vote. I don't care. The rats have to know they're days are numbered.
The third party already exists - the Constitution Party. They need to concentrate on winning state-level and even local elections instead of running a candidate for President right now. Sadly, the great error of so many third party movements lies in the effort to take the Presidency right out of the box.
The CP needs to be thinking of ways to defeat folks like Chris Cannon of Utah - a treasonous Republican who accepts awards from La Raza and the like, organizations dedicated to destroying the United States. The Dems are hard-core Marxists who are utterly unreformable. If they would have been sensible enough to nominate Zell Miller for President, Bush would be utter toast. Instead, the put up the most arrogant, elitist, aristocratic New England 'Mercedes Marxist' they can find. It's now Bush's election to lose.
bump that