Well, after 53 years of living, you find out that right is right and left is wrong. There is evil and wrong in the world and some SOB's need killin. He's one of these that doesn't believe in abortion but doesn't want to dictate to you what to believe. Anybody with core beliefs is a far right winger. Just listen to him say he doesn't care what people do in there bedroom as long as he doesn't have to look at it. He will accept abortion, but won't kill the murderer. Says thats against his religion. Well, so is sodomy, and abortion. These lukewarm, double minded, fence sitters, can't ever make a stand for anything because they want to be "fair".
He wants to ban SUV's because it's not "fair" for the rest of us. He want's to ban the death penalty because the guy "might" be innocent and it would be more "fair" to have hard labor for life. We lost forced labor a long time ago through "fair"(extreeme sarcasm) court rullings.That's enough,..... bedtime./rant!
In other words, BO is a coward. He doesn't take a stand. I know, because I have been there before -- its easy to stay on the fence and not choose a side, pretending that the fence doesn't make a good chair, and that you are being the high and mighty Zeus, watching the other little people below you on both sides bickering amongst themselves. He does admit he has an opinion and a side, but he pretends that he doesn't let it influence his self-appointed office of "caretaker of the people". He believes we need him because we need to be looked out for, as his book so clearly articulates. So in essence, he is always lying - hiding his true opinion to get ratings and power, under the pretense of having no opinion so that he can protect us from the "bomb throwers" on both sides. Anyone with half a brain can see that this is all hogwash. No one human can be completely objective. Not only that, in the reality of life, you always need to choose a side. Theoretically we can think and ponder both sides - step back and look down on them, just like you can stand back and decide whether to eat the cookie or not eat the cookie. Ultimately though you HAVE to choose. You are going to do it or you are not...so in the same way, you are either going to be LEFT or RIGHT - you can't be both or neither one..but poor BO doesn't see that his "STRAIGHT AHEAD" is someone elses LEFT or RIGHT. And that is because he is to self-absorbed to even begin to understand relativity.