Would Burkett get the format of Bush's rank right on democrats.com, but wrong on the forgeries?
Ah- but he didn't get the rank "right" on the democrat
site. He wrote the rank in Army format... 1LT. In USAF it is 1Lt
In some of the official orders this got garbled to 1st Lt -which appears to have affected (Burkett's?) forgery effort.
...Also the signature block that Killian used was:
Lt. Jerry B. Killian
instead of "Commanding"...
I thought 1LT was right, too, but I noticed that an actual memo written by President Bush was signed "GEORGE W. BUSH, 1st Lt" so I wonder if 1st Lt was ok to use? I ought to probably look for more examples.
It's so interesting, though, that the dates like 5 Sep 73 on the above-linked memo are so different from the modern forgeries, which put a "0" in front of a single-digit date.