I had it with him when he started dismissing the Swiftboat Vets. Now I actually have to get up from the computer, go into the livingroom, and switch him off when he comes on. It's a lot of trouble since I usually leave FOX on 24/7, but I'll do my part in sinking his ratings. The creep doesn't have any loyalty to his fans at all.
1. Nonstop coverage of Scott Peterson on Gretta's program (change to SciFi channel);
2. Poor weekend coverage with the liberal who sits on the right and both men treat the woman like she's a dumb blond (change weekend programming to the History Channel, or whatever else seems interesting);
3. Bill O'Reilly (change to another channel...whatever grasps my interest until Hannity comes on at 9:00).
What's wrong with Fox? That's what I want to know.