So, in their mind, the words of Vietnam veterans who served with Kerry is somehow so evil that it must be countered with forged documents from a man who is dead and cannot refute them.
"So, in their mind, the words of Vietnam veterans who served with Kerry is somehow so evil that it must be countered with forged documents from a man who is dead and cannot refute them."
1. The Swift Boat vets' ads caused Kerry's numbers to go down.
2. They think Bush's numbers will go down if they attack HIS record as fair-turn-about.
a. Truth or falsity of the claims and supporting evidence is irrelevant to them.
b. They think Bush's poll numbers will go down. I think they are wrong. The worst thing for Kerry is to keep the campaign on VietNam. Even if it gives some uninformed people a "reason" to vote against Pres. Bush, it gives no one a reason to vote FOR Kerry; a reason to stay home, maybe. That is the last thing the pundits think Kerry's campaign needs. To win, he has to have a reason for the undecideds to vote FOR HIM.