I have no doubt someone was trying to set CBS up with these documents. They're so obviously bogus ( the po box number especially)that only someone dying to change the election outcome would run with them with so much caprice.
Set them up how?
Assuming it was Karl Rove or Hillary Clinton (ie someone who wants Kerry to lose), handing heavily booby trapped documents to a major news organization, even through proxies, is very dangerous. I highly doubt this.
Assuming that it was someone who wanted Kerry to win, then it illustrates just how blindly desperate they are becoming. I say this of both the document makers and CBS. This is by far the more likely explination, but it's also a very pathetic and disturbing milestone.
I actually checked the PO box # and it's legit. Some others from the doc dump have the same PO Box, and there is a working zip code for the PO box even today (77234 instead of 77034).
Like you, I thought it looked bogus. But then, unlike a certain news anchor, I checked it out.