Has anyone actually opened up MS Word, set the font to Times New Roman 12 pt, typed the memos verbatim and then turned them into PDFs? Compare them side by side with the ones being put out there now...
I typed in the 18 August 1973 memo. I haven't turned it into a PDF, but it looks identical. You just have to remember to use two spaces after periods to get the same word wrap. Two spaces after periods is pretty standard for anyone that was taught to type on a typewriter.
"Has anyone actually opened up MS Word, set the font to Times New Roman 12 pt, typed the memos verbatim and then turned them into PDFs? Compare them side by side with the ones being put out there now..."
I did this for the August 18th memo. However I overlayed them in Adobe InDesign so that one appears behind the other in a see-thru fashion. The results?
It matched EXACTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so freak'n busted.